Promoting the Idea of the "Combined Fertility Cycle" otherwise known as the Rhythm Method

This really has nothing to do with the topic at hand other than those that promote it deserve a good old fashioned ass fucking and those who practice it will probably feel like they have been ass fucked after they end up contributing to the uncontrolled population growth of our planet. Of all available birth control methods, this is probably the most fallible

Sperm live for up to five days except when they manage to survive longer than that- male fertility cycle.

An egg lives for up to two days except when they decide that life is good and go for five or six days- female fertility cycle.

Through observations and the recording of female menstrual signs - an accurate diary can be used to predict the Combined Fertility Cycle. It is important to note that this prediction is accurate to + or - 30 days in either direction.

The Combined Fertility Cycle is different for each partner sex couple with the only sure thing being is that it can change on a dime.

During the Combined Fertility Cycle partner sex couples can choose or avoid pregnancy by not fucking or using some other form of birth control.

No person should be having partner sex - of any kind, unless they realize that calculating the Combined Fertility Cycle (CFC) is a total waste of time and they are not intellectually ready. Any person that relies on this methodology to avoid a pregnancy deserves a good old fashioned ass fucking, and any person who promotes this methodology as a viable birth control methodology is probably receiving an ass fucking at this very moment.

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A global standard for what a person should do to avoid;
or if impossible to avoid,
to prepare to be properly ass fucked.
I. Be A Cock